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templates [2009/05/11 06:16]
templates [2009/05/11 08:34] (current)
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-=== How to implement a template so you can use it in bkchem ===+=== How to install a template so you can use it in bkchem ===
 Put the .svg files you can download here (click on the name of the molecule, Put the .svg files you can download here (click on the name of the molecule,
 this will lead you to the .svg file) in a directory where bkchem recognizes this will lead you to the .svg file) in a directory where bkchem recognizes
 the file as a template. the file as a template.
-This directory is site-dependent - on Unix systems its ~/.bkchem/templates/ on Windows .bkchem/templates in the directory where BKchem is installed+This directory is site-dependent - on Unix systems it is ~/.bkchem/templates/ on Windows it is bkchem\templates in the directory "Documents and settings\//username//\Application data" where username is you username 
 ===== Templates ===== ===== Templates =====

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