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start [2007/09/21 07:22]
beda created
start [2010/04/02 10:08] (current)
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-====== BKChem Wiki ======+====== Main page ======
 +This is the wiki of BKChem, a free chemical drawing program.
 +I would like this wiki to become the central point for user documentation, hints, tricks and other stuff related to using and developing BKChem.
 +  * [[about:About BKChem]]
 +  * [[about:How to participate]]
 +  * [[about:License]]
 +  * [[Howtos]]
 +  * [[Documentation]]
 +  * [[Known problems]]
 +  * [[Batch scripts]] - small BKChem scripts that can automatize common tasks
 +  * [[Available packages]] - links to packages for different platforms

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