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inkscape [2008/11/01 19:16]
qqqqqqqqq9 created
inkscape [2008/11/01 21:43] (current)
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 ====== BKChem and Inkscape ====== ====== BKChem and Inkscape ======
-BKChem and Inkscape are a great pair, BKChem is good Chemistry and Inkscape is good at everything else. There are, however, some issues which make life difficult, i will collect them here:+BKChem and Inkscape are a great pair, BKChem is good at Chemistry and Inkscape is good at everything else. There are, however, some issues which make life difficult, i will collect them here:
-1. BKChem and Inkscape do not use the same fonts by default, to solve this look [[bkchem and fonts|here]]. +1. BKChem and Inkscape do not use the same fonts by default, to solve this look [[fonts|here]]. 
 2. When opening a bkchem-svg with inkscape, inkscape messes up the font size. Import instead. 2. When opening a bkchem-svg with inkscape, inkscape messes up the font size. Import instead.

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