For you information, this information has compiled while BKChem version 0.12.0_pre3 was latest. It lists general workflow tips. Some tips and tricks are listed at the "Tips and tricks" section of the [[|FNA/FAQ]] page. However, the following tips were extracted out of [[|progress.log]] and only new tips are displayed. ===== Marks ===== * marks on selected atoms can be moved via arrow keys in mark mode. Select the atom, change to mark mode, use arrow keys to move the marks * marks can be moved by mouse while in mark mode with LMB-dragging * numbering support for atoms (use context menu or numbering mode). Number is represented by a mark - it can be positioned in mark mode either by mouse or arrow keys * circle around some marks (plus and minus signs) can be switched off while in mark mode RMB-click on the mark, select "Circle around mark" * set different mark sizes for different marks on the same atom with RMB-click on the mark, select "Mark size", you have to be in mark mode, of course ===== Drawing ===== * interactive positioning in draw mode of second line in double bonds is possible with shift-LMB-click * "C-d n" where "n" is number in range 2-9 appends an aliphatic chain to the focused atom. Note, you have to hover the mouse cursor over the atom, otherwise this shortcut is rendered useless. ===== Other ===== * double click in edit mode selects the whole molecule * "\n" in text entry is translated to new-line * when editing text or atom it is possible to use keyboard shortcuts to insert formating tags (Ctrl-s = sub = subscript, Ctrl-S = sup = superscript, Ctrl-i = i = italic, Ctrl-b = b = bold)